Welcome To Total You Laifstyle

Habits are changeable, habits are breakable. The only thing that can stop you from changing your habit is you. The ultimate tool for changing the habits that are not adding value to your life is self discipline. If you can muster the will power to become self disciplined and focus on making the lifestyle changes you need, then you are on your way to empowering yourself to become all that you ever wanted to be.

I am a strong believer in taking problems out from the roots, going to the basics. Habits are formed every day, and over time, they become established; therefore they can not be broken overnight. You need to constantly hit at it to break it with all the positive measures you have adopted.

Total You laif Style

Monday 15 March 2010

Let's Be Clear About Some Things

I am talking about habits; those habits that are not helpful, changing those aspects of yourself that are not helping to make you as you were intended. But I will mention that there are some aspects that you Could Never Change, even if you wanted. You could never change your DNA, your looks may be adjusted not changed, you might change your facial appearance not your face. I will always be who I am irrespective of all the add-ons and make-ups.  My very essence remains unchanged because my blue print is with someone who made me. Even if am cloned, you would clone me not something different from me.

We need to understand and get this fact clear. First things first, you need to start appreciating who you are for the singular fact that you were made that way to serve a purpose unique to you and only you.

A lot of people have lived many years but have not enjoyed their lives the way they wanted. The quality of life you have lived, determines your fulfilment and otherwise. I want to live a long fulfilled life on earth and so do you, I believe,  but what steps have we taken to ensure that we have the quality of life that we should have.
There comes a time when you need to sit down and think hard about how to make some lifestyle changes to reach your life's goal and purpose. It does not matter how things have been or how things are at the moment, recession, global meltdown or not. You have to have that attitude of this-has-got-to-change and set about making the kind of lifestyle changes you desire to see happen.

Now, take a pen and piece of paper, list on the one side all the wrong habits, on the other side, list the causes and besides the causes, list all the steps/actions you need to take that will reduce to the barest minimum or kill the habit. For me, what's not helping me should go completely if I can help it.

Some habits are so strong, we have been in it since God-knows-when, we have hit at  it and it has not budged. Then it becomes clear that you need God to help you do away with it. If that is what it requires, why not. It is even better to go to the Highest Authority to report your case and receive respite.

Some of the habits that I can readily mention are listed below. You can make your own list depending on your peculiar situation and circumstances.

  • Excessive drinking
  • cursing/being abusive
  • having a negative view of life
  • fault finding /blaming
  • womanizing
  • Lesbianism
  • masturbating
  • having different sex partners
  • adultery
  • homosexuality
  • gossiping
  • procrastination
  • not keeping to time for your appointments
  • selfishness/stinginess
  • not keeping your word
  • lying
  • arrogance/pride
  • talkativeness
  • overspeeding
  • back stabbing
  • keeping grudges
  • hatred
  • envy, etc.
 The key to the breakthroughs we are seeking outside, lies within us. All we need to do is reach inside of ourselves and pick the keys. I urge you to break the wrong habits and make new good ones.

Till I write next time, I leave you with these thoughts.


  1. Hi Glory,

    This is good, we need to change our habit towards our society to make Nigeria a better place for all. Looking forward to your next post.


  2. ANGER MANAGEMENT: A POEM (originally drafted on 12/06/98)
    1. Fiery darts of wind hit me
    Ouch! I cry out in pain
    How dare you appear so harmless?
    And yet can induce so much discomfort and agony
    I never want to pitch my tent where you are
    For my world might come grumbling at my feet.
    2. This panting, hissing and snakelike sounds
    Where do they come from?
    I hope to God they are not from within me
    In my mind’s eyes, I picture your mangled, faceless ugly being
    And I puke in disgust!
    To imagine you can inhabit humans;
    A phenomenon I cannot reconcile with.
    3. Oh fiery emotion of wrath
    Your ways are so mechanical
    Your saliva stings like acid
    Your hands are cold and vice like in grip
    Your paths are crooked
    Your claws simply draw blood
    And your sneering words are iron and steel
    That hurts and hurts without remedy.
    4. Prata, pratin, prantus, prink!
    What a natter you make
    Creating such confusion and miasma
    Suspicion begets accusation and envy begets hatred
    Triggering off so much havoc and tumult
    That could only be compared with turbulent waves.
    This power you have to turn a rose flower to thorns
    What rhapsody to know I could be rid of you.
    5. In your presence sanity flees
    Common sense disappears and
    In their places foolishness abound
    How swift you are to destroy and
    Make a mess in one minute what took years to build
    You are a betrayer of friendship
    A destroyer of peace
    I see the scars and remember
    The injuries of years gone by
    And I say, anger depart forever.


Talk to me, people